Photo 52: A Play on Light

Flash | Artificial Light - Week 2

Since January my husband and I have been rearranging and redecorating our apartment to accommodate the arrival of our new baby this May.  Weekends have been dedicated to shopping trips, painting, drilling shelves into walls, putting together and moving around furniture, building a closet and transforming our living room into a bedroom for two boys to share.  This past week we FINALLY finished their room and I wanted to capture my son's first night in the new space soon to be shared with his baby brother.  All day he had been saying, "Nice room.  I like new room!"

I used my flash to add minimal fill light so my husband and son would be illuminated without having to increase my film speed too much (ISO), therefore introducing unwanted grain into this particular image.  I was forced to take several shots while dialing down the strength of my flash but overall I'm happy with the end result.  This final version is quite close to what I had envisioned even before starting to shoot.      

​First night in his new room

Please continue along to see the rest of Photo 52's images for this week.  Next up is Jessie Wixon, fellow New Yorker and friend of mine.