Letters to our sons | November

***I am so thankful to be a part of this blog circle "Letters to our Sons" with so many amazing photographers and moms.  In honor of our love for our little boys, we are posting a monthly image(s) along with a corresponding, heartfelt letter.  After reading my post please click HERE to continue around the circle, starting with the very talented Jamie Rubeis.


My sweet boys, 

When I found out I was pregnant for the second time, I desperately wanted to have another boy.  It was all I could think about, praying that we would have two boys who would grow up as brothers close enough in age to hopefully be best friends as well.  I'll never forget the appointment when my doctor told me the good news.  I was so overwhelmed with joy that I was brought to tears, scrambling for my cellphone so I could call Daddy.  He actually thought something dreadful had happened and it took him a minute to realize I was hysterically happy.  

Grey is a boy!!  Grey is a boy!!

At any rate, I tell you all of this to let you know how much I wanted you for each other.  And most recently, watching your relationship develop, as new and young as it is, has been nothing short of awesome.  Even though you are only five months old Grey, and cannot sit up without help, your big brother Cash still wants to "play" with you.  Usually this means placing you in the Bumbo seat so you can be a captive audience to your older sibling and first friend.  What can possibly thrill a three year old more than undivided attention from someone who can't talk back?  Ha!  But Cash, in all seriousness, it's such a blast watching you play guitar and sing for Grey, moving his arms so he is "dancing" with you, reading books to him ("Did you like that story Grey Grey?"), cooking dinner for him, and overall just having him in your company.  


Every time Grey wakes up from one of his many naps, you go running and jumping down the hallway singing, "Grey is up!  Grey is up!  I want to play with Grey Grey!"   I've since started taking photos of you two together and these are a few of my recent favorites.  It was just yesterday that you wanted Grey to sit inside your "tent house" so you could play your guitar and sing to him.  Hilarious.  But of course I still have to keep a watchful eye on you Cash as you sometimes slip in a sneaky pinch or a quick little jab to Grey's ribs.  I mean what big brother hasn't done that to his baby brother now and again?

To see you begin connecting is incredible, especially how each of you light up at the sight of the other. Knowing that this is just the start of your brotherhood is an amazing feeling.  I know that it is ALL so worth it.  

Love always + forever, 



"There's no other love like the love for a brother.  There's no other love like the love from a brother."  ~ Terri Guillemets

Letters to our sons | October

***I am so thankful to be a part of this blog circle "Letters to our Sons" with so many amazing photographers and moms.  In honor of our love for our little boys, we are posting a monthly image(s) along with a corresponding, heartfelt letter.  After reading my post please click HERE to continue around the circle, starting with the very talented Carrie Anne Miranda.


My beloved son, 

You recently turned 3 years old and I don't think there is anything in this world you love more than baseball.  Of course you are passionate about all ball sports, first discovering basketball when you were 15 months old and then football around the age of two, but now you have an official, unequivocal baseball obsession.  For the past year you and Daddy have been playing baseball in your room at the same time every day for an hour.  I think that is why you learned to read the numbers on the cable box's digital clock, so you would know exactly when the hour arrived.  "It's 4 o'clock Daddy!  It's 4:00!  Time for baseball!"   As your mother it has been very sweet to see you and Daddy share in something so special every day and to hear your laughs and "hoorays" fill the apartment.


During the summer months when your pitches and hits had outgrown small indoor spaces, we went as a family to the neighborhood playground to practice.  On special days we went to Riverbank State Park, Central Park and even Brooklyn Bridge Park to play under the iconic structure.  Other boys much older than you would ask to join in after seeing you and Daddy playing together and I would watch you include them only to hide your frustration when they threw underhanded or not at the level you were accustomed.    

Passersby, mainly fathers and some grandfathers frequently ask Daddy, "How old is he?  He's only TWO?!!  Wow, he's got a great arm for just two years old!"   You even shocked your own grandfather Pow-Pow when you first played together, hitting most of his pitches well out of his reach.  


The photos above were taken during our recent trip to Grandma and Pow Pow's house in Pennsylvania.  For a whole week we had access to their big backyard and all you wanted to do was go outside to play baseball.  You didn't care about eating or that it was 90 degrees outside or that you were sweating through your clothes.  You just wanted to play ball.  That is when you are happiest and when your smile is the biggest.  So my son, my wish is that you may always find such joy in the things in life that you love. 

Always and forever,



Letters to our sons | September

It is September.  It is Fall.  It is both a new season and the perfect time to join another blog circle!  This month is the kickoff to “Letters to Our Sons” which I am so honored to have joined.  Secretly I had been longing to be part of such a group and was over the moon when the invitation arrived.  We are a group of friends and fellow photographers who are also the mothers of sons. Each month we will share about the boy(s) in our lives through our photography and a corresponding, heartfelt letter.  After reading my post, please consider following the circle starting with my dear friend and creator of this amazing group, Jill Cassara.  Click HERE to check out what she has to share about life with her little man.    


Dear Grey Grey, 

I can't believe you are finally here.  You are my second son and loved so very much.  I actually thought that after having your older brother I was done having children, that Dad and I would be parents to only one boy, but that was not God's plan.  In the midst of a baptism service last spring, my heart was dramatically changed and I walked out of the church knowing whole heartedly that we were to have another baby.  We were to have YOU.  

So now you are (unbelievably) three months old and up until last week I was bathing you in the sink.  For my first "Letters to our sons" post I knew I wanted to capture a photo of you nestled in our small NYC bathroom sink because there was nothing more fleeting.  At first you were so tiny and new and rested easily on my forearm, but as the weeks went by your chubby limbs started pouring out over the sides, knocking over toiletries and toothbrushes.  So quickly you had outgrown this manner of wash and never again will you fit into a small bathroom sink. 



I wish to add that I enjoyed each of these nights with you, softly singing "Hush Little Baby..." as I cleaned behind your ears, underneath your neck and in the creases of your delicious arms and legs.  You would turn your head toward me and light up the whole room, and my heart, with your smile and playful splashes.  So much so that I often times felt like crying.  

You've made my heart grow bigger Grey which I didn't think was possible.  I now have not one son but two and I cannot wait to watch you and your brother get to know and love each other over the coming months and years.  What a gift from God!  YOU are definitely sent from heaven my little babe.