Seeing Light in Black & White: Week 1
This week kicks off a new theme for Photo 52. Over the next four weeks we will be seeing light in black and white, envisioning our images in a range of tonal values before we even press the shutter button.
Now that I am 24 weeks pregnant with my second son I've been desperately meaning to capture my first born kissing my belly which he loves to do, saying, "Mommy, kiss baby brother". But lately I just didn't quite have the motivation to do everything that was required to get that image and frankly wasn't even sure if it was possible. Then while in the midst of one of the most trying days of my pregnancy thus far, I decided to take out my tripod in the hopes that magic might transpire. I set up the tripod, positioned myself where I would stand in order to get the proper settings on my camera and then called my son into the room to see if he'd be a willing participant. Mind you, my vision was to capture a black and white image that I would cherish over the years where the reflection would be a main character in the composition.
Below is the result of our endeavor and I can honestly say that this is my favorite photo I have taken. Ever. Somehow all things aligned between the moment I pressed the self-timer and the moment the flash went off which is not an easy task when working with a two year old! But I will say, that coming away with this image, most certainly turned around what was otherwise a very crappy day.
And I will always treasure this photograph and the memory of how we made it.
baby brother
Please continue along the circle to see the rest of Photo 52's images for this week. Next up is Linda Hooper, my friend and fellow photographer who, lucky for all of us, just returned to New York after living for some time abroad in Switzerland.